Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just Clowning Around

Yesterday was Dallas Oregons SummerFest parade. Mid-Valley Christian Academy was in it (at least the color guard). The theme this year was "Clowning Around". Leo and I were supposed to hand out fliers along with pencils to the crowd with two other people. Thinking this was Dallas Oregon (I mean how many people will really show up for a parade in such a small town) we weren't concerned with the number or passer outers. Little did we know that this parade is a BIG thing to this town. People game in groves with children galore. It was our first time in a parade and that was quite the experience. We passed out hundreds of fliers. We are hoping just a few will consider it through this avenue. You may be wondering if Leo and I were dressed as clowns. Sorry to disappoint you. We didn't know the theme until we arrived. We were just in our MVCA shirts, but the color guard was decked out as some pretty funky looking clowns. Sorry no pictures this time. Our church (EBC) was in it as well with a float, but we didn't get to see it because they were heading up the parade and we were near the caboose... just behind the Shriners in go-carts. I'm thinking MVCA needs to purchase up some go-carts for next year. :)

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