Sunday, July 27, 2008

Crash Course

This past week I joined Leo in the journey to achieve my Masters Degree. Leo has been taking classes from Bob Jones University through a correspondence course for the past year and a half. He's worked so diligently and I've been so proud of him. This past week I took a class from OSU to begin my Masters. I will probably transfer it to Western University (actually located here in town). The masters falls under Education but I'm going to try to swing an art option as I really have NO desire to get my Masters, and I really don't want to spend all the money in the education realm as I felt most education classes were a joke once you stepped into the classroom. All to say, I gained more knowledge in art than in education. (So, to all my fellow teacher cohorts who like to make fun of me because I'm the "Art Teacher"... and all we do is "play with crayons"-- eat your heart out.) Anyways I took a "Crash Course" entitled "Art in Education". Now I understand why they call it "Crash". It was an (9-5 class, but I was getting up at 5:30 and reading until I had to get ready and leave, then came home, ate, and read until I couldn't keep my eyes open. I still have 32 weeks of curriculum I need to turn in as my final. In the meantime I got a lot of studio time which I really miss. I really love doing my own artwork and I feel like during the school year it gets stuffed away in the closet because I'm focusing on assignments and school curriculum. The class inspired me to start painting again so we've pulled out the easel and I'm painting one of Al's pictures from Venice. I'm really jazzed about it. The above picture was one of 27 pieces we did. This one took about thirty minutes. So if you were wondering why I hadn't blogged recently that's why!

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