Sunday, July 27, 2008

The TT

When big Leonard was down for Grandpa Riddle's funeral he bought their vehicle since grandma won't be able to do any driving with the vision she has (she's almost blind). He had intended on just leaving it in Portland to use when he comes down, but decided to leave it with us to use during the school year. I can't tell you what a BLESSING this has been as we'd been trying to figure out how on earth to possibly get a second vehicle as our two jobs are thirty minute commutes and on days that we both need the car we usually do two hours of commuting to simply get to our jobs and get the stuff done we need to get done. It makes for a very wearing week. This year Leo might have some additional responsibilities there at the school (I'm hoping some of the other responsibilities will be cut out) and a car will be necessary. I was trying to figure out some car pooling ideas with another lady, but we have different work hours so there will be a few hours wait to return home. I still may do some car pooling just to cut down on the gas cost (about ten dollars a day just to get to work and home) but only on the days our hours match. What a huge relief this car will be. Certainly yet another God sent! It's an old Plymouth with a tape deck and one cup holder... I suppose we could call it the modern kind, because when you close the door the seat belts strap you up (or strangle you from the door... whichever you please). We call it the TT because it's the turquoise turtle and it sounds pretty jazzy when you call it that. So you'll either see the Hackett family travelling along in the "Hackett mobile" also known as the MVCA school bus or as we call it, the SU Van (no soccer momma vans for us, it's a sports utility van... at least in our minds-- it's really a Honda Odyssey), or the TT aka turquoise Plymouth.

1 comment:

Alex Hackett said...

Glad that God has sent this gift to you guys.