Thursday, June 26, 2008

A prayer for sweet London...

Yesterday our first niece, London Ann, was born at 7:50 pm weighing at 6 lbs. 11 oz, and 19 inches long. Both momma and baby are doing well. Today we called Leo's brother and he was on his way with our nephews Easton and Waylon to go meet London. They were excited because London had presents for the boys. I asked Ian how she'd been storing those presents in Jamie with her. It was a mystery. I'm sure it is a very exciting day for everybody over there, and we wish we could be there to be part of it all. One thing we can do is be praying for our family, and as we don't get to see much of it, we do do a lot of that. So this morning I wanted to offer a little prayer for London.

Dear Lord,
Yesterday little London was born. We know you knitted her together in her mothers womb, as you did each and every one of us. Thank you for sending her here and putting Ian and Jamie as stewards over her. Thank you for making the pregnancy smooth, and the labor go well. We pray that you would grow up this child in you, and she would learn to glorify you in all she does. Help her to become a Proverbs 31 young lady. Instill in her your ways and your Truth in Jesus Christ. Help her to know of your love and your promises. God you are so good. Help us to help in this process, and also with Easton and Waylon. Please give Ian and Jamie the strength and wisdom as they raise up your children. Thank you again for this precious one. Amen.

For pictures of London click here.

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