Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our final day on the Oregon Coast

After Ft. Stevens we ventured our way to Astoria (the bridge was finally open). We'd been there years before where Leo had an adventure with a "Captains Platter" and a plate full of Oysters. Let's just say... Leo doesn't like Oysters. The mention of them to Leo makes him shiver... to me - pure hysteria.

By then we were pretty tired, and the dogs were driving us nuts. Did I mention, we have now spent three days in the car with our dogs. Ah "Vamping".

We wondered up and down the streets, enjoying the general ambiance.

In one of the parking lots I heard the sound of seals, so Leo and I decided to walk along this biking trail to see if we could see them. The sound got louder and louder and the more seals we heard. Finally we decided to go back to the car and drive to where we thought we heard the sound coming from ... the pier.

We drove to the pier and lo-and-behold.... tons (literally) of HUGE seals. Just hanging out on the docks. One dock had five or six at the very end and the whole thing was submerged underwater. People were stopping and taking pictures. One guy took his baby down to see them (dumb move.... nothing scary happened, but I wanted to throw rocks at the man for thinking to do such a thing. I know, I know... not very Christian-like, but these things were near to 300lbs. each, and they can be VERY vicious.)

Anyway, enjoy the video:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super neat!!! What did Koda and Logan think of them? I loved the voice mail you left also. Wish we could have been there with you. Maybe next year we can bring the camper out and do some camping with you. You guys and the boys would have a little more room that way!