Sunday, August 17, 2008


Now imagine this picture as a blue Honda Odyssey. Yep, that's right. Our second night out was an adventure.

We continued North from Cannon Beach just south of a town called Seaside. We had stayed in an area before when Big Leonard had left his camper with us so he could use it when he came down. (Our one trip out with it) (This was also the trip that the old Russian lady beat up our dog, and burst into our camper when I was in my pj's and Leo in his boxers..... that's a totally different story though.) At least then it didn't have any NO OVERNIGHT PARKING signs. It also has an area you can drive out on the beach. Leo and I decided we would give it a try as you can drive all the way down the coast line (at least in this section). We drove down the ramp to the beach front, and just as you were supposed to gun it to get through the soft sand,this old guy with a cane came hobbling into our path giving us a glare that could kill. Leo obviously slowed down and searched for a way around, but by then it was too late. Our tires had dug a hole into the sand, and we were stuck. When we lived up in Alaska my parents had taught me a trick that Leo and I used many times to get ourselves out of the snow with. You take your car mats and place them behind the wheels. Then back your vehicle onto the mat and your out (usually with a projectile mat, so don't stand behind it). We attempted this theory in the sand. With many failures I might add. As we were there a lady approached us proclaiming "I'll watch you and see if it works because I just called Triple A and they'll get me out for a $100" We looked to our left and there was another stuck vehicle. We both groaned. Eventually a group of people came along and we just pushed the vehicle out, and then we journeyed over to (literally) pick up the other ladies car and move it out of the sand.

We enjoyed beach sitting for a while until the other cars around started leaving and we figured we better go too because we wouldn't be able to push the car out ourselves if abandoned on the beach and stuck again. What a disaster that would have been. On exiting the beach we gunned it and just BARELY made it. I don't think we will do that again. But, hey, it added to the adventure!

And this is what can happen to you when you are stuck in the sand and can't get out before high tide. Not a good situation at all! Glad we got out.

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