Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To some of you out there, this might not be such a big deal. To us though, it was a time of rejoicing. We bought our house about a year and a half ago. My mom flew out and helped us move in. When she did, she went on a cleaning rampage and bought us all sorts of great things for the house. She spoiled us like crazy and I'd come to the point of telling her she could get us no more. We were in a home depot or something and she was going to buy us new toilet seats, commenting on how disgusting our seats were. Thinking she was exaggerating I refused her purchasing them. When returning home I realized that our seats were in fact really gross. It wasn't that they weren't clean... somebody had just scrubbed the seats with a pumice stone and had taken the paint off (not my mom). In return it appeared to be pretty growdy! While we were gone we were blessed with some financial relief for our house, so when we returned we splurged and got new seats. We were so excited we had to blog it. Hooray for nice toilet seats!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mother's know about clean and folded underware and such things as this.