Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'll leave you with this quote my grandfather conjured up this morning that made me just laugh (and be sad too). We were talking about our government, and how society has so dramatically gone down hill morally, and this officially became the quote of the day:

"We're all in the bowl... just waiting for somebody to flush." ~Dale Pfankuch (my grandpa)

Good thing, through our Lord, we have so much more to look forward too, but it has seemed lately that our country has shifted out from under the Lords hand of protection. I do begin to wonder what our future holds here in the United States of America. Perhaps this blog is the winner of the downer award, but we need to seriously be praying for our nation, it's leadership, and a sense of urgency in sharing Gods word and hope.


Nathan and Billie said...

That's funny; your grandpa is going in my quote book! :)

simplykersh said...

I think I agree with your Grandpa. However, I am trying not to wait. I figure it is time that those with ears listen. Maybe we should climb out of the bowl like so many rats. Not abandon the country just abandon what it stands for. Live a simple life and give up the consumerism. seek joy and not wealth. Spend time with friends doing good things. Basically act like New Testament Christians and watch the trappings of the world fall apart.

Leo and Jen said...

I totally agree!!!