Saturday, May 31, 2008


I mistakingly set up the dates for an art camp the week AFTER we get out of school.  We were hoping for at least one week off before the craziness begins again, but... the flyers are out and hopefully the kids will be signing up soon!!! One of the projects we will be doing is a whistle (also called an Ocarina) out of clay. First I had to get it down myself though (make sure these things were really going to whistle for the kids.)  So today Leo (acting as my student) and I sat down and created our whistles.  Mine is the dragon, and his is the bug.  They turned out okay and are just silly creations!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...does this mean you're staying in town? When is the camp and how much is it? I know Sarah and Bryan's two girls are interested in signing up, so just let me know!!! Miss you, friend (and I love that picture of the dog on the walk...that's hilarious).