Monday, May 19, 2008

Cabin Fever!

Every once in a while we can get Koda really riled up, but it's very seldom that we can get Logan to even bark, let alone howl.  I think they are getting a little cabin feverish, because all it took was a playful look and it got them both really going today.  Maybe Logan is just in cone agony being that he's returned to his torture (due to continual scratching of his face wound).  One way or another, they are in dire need of getting some energy out!  You wouldn't think so since they got walks galore, all day in the yard this weekend and even a run this morning!  Give them an inch and they run all over it I guess!  Koda is obviously not wanting to be video taped.  As you can see, he attacked me (with licks) at the end of their duet.  He knows the couch is off limits!

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