Thursday, April 10, 2008

We're figuring this isn't the typical use for a jig saw, but when you've got wood to cut, cut we shall.  Leo got this saw from my dad for Christmas and it was the first time we were able to use it.  That handy little laser was nice when sawing off tree limbs.... it was just hard to see as the limb was jiggling at a hundred miles per hour.  As you can see, we have a nice pile of yard "stuff" we are going to have to get to the garbage place this weekend before the track meet.  I don't know what kind of a genius town this is-- they don't pick up yard stuff, and there is only two days a month you can bring it to the garbage place... or travel thirty miles down the road in order to pay to dump it.  I'm almost to the point of building a nice fire pit in the back yard and... roasting some stinking big marshmallows!   I can't imagine what we would have to do if we didn't have the van.  One way or another, or monster tree that used to like to reach down and grab you in the dark is a little more tame and less likely to take out anybodies eyeball.  Now we just need to do a lot more weeding in the front yard and put down something to keep them from coming back.  Maybe that will be a weekend activity.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The yard is looking really nice. All the hard work is paying off. Your skill with plants will come as you try and try again. I'll send you more seeds!
Mom& Dad