Saturday, April 19, 2008

In my sculpture class we are creating a scene from Romeo and Juliet, going over diversity, writing a free verse poem, and sculpting five life size gestural figures from packing tape.  The kids are absolutely loving the project.  We plan  on spraying the figures with fluorescent spray paint and putting them under black lights so they glow.  Ah, the things you can do with sixty kids and a TON of tape!  The figure in the picture is going to be  the priest.  When we get the whole scene done I'll post it.  I just thought it was pretty neat.  You can kinda' see some of the other projects in the background.  My advanced class is working on an M.C. Escher piece (hand and sphere), and the exploring art just got done with a symmetrical radial printmaking piece (the blue circle).  

PS.  Unfortunately this is what my desk looks like after a class full of kids (about 32) and a lot of getting things, moving around, setting things down, etc.  Every day I have to do a good clean up of my desk at the end of the day in order to find the wood.   That's what you get when you have 300 different students pass through your class in two days!  Ugh!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The project is looking good. I can't wait to see the finished work. Dallas doesn't have a clue to what they are missing out on! You are a great teacher! Proud of you!!!