Friday, March 21, 2008

It's my Party and I'll Cry if I Want to!

Our neighbors down the road went to southern California for Spring Break and asked us to take care of their sweet dog Texas (Tex for short).  They took their two Westies, but Tex is a little too big.  He's very gentle and very blind.  No, really.  He can't see a thing.  We took him on our walk today and he kept falling off the sidewalk and running into bushes and our trash can.  He's very happy, but timid.  I guess he was a rescue dog and was a well beat dog previously.  I can't imagine a reason to lift a finger on this sweet guy.  Then when he was in the shelter the other dogs attacked him.  He's very loving and just wants to cuddle, which in turn has made Logan VERY jealous.  He keeps trying to nip at Tex and got a good spankin' .... on his birthday.  How sad.  Texas will be with us all week (if my allergies can take it... otherwise it's back to his house), so let's hope for a kinder welcome.  We plan on going laser tagging with some friends on Saturday, having some couples friends over on Monday to do some ceramics stuff (the girls) and some gaming for the boys... as well as going to the church to play some basketball. Should be fun.  We have yet to go to Mt. Hood (3 hour drive) and might do that this week too.  Otherwise we plan to bunker down at home, get lots of rest (get over our colds), finish up some projects, start pulling weeds, going on lots of walks (if the rain lets up... the hills/mountains around us just got a good sprinkling of snow last night),  and hosting our dogs entertainment.   

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