Thursday, February 14, 2008

So today I was in the library with one of my classes getting pictures for our next project in our computer lab.  We were sharing the lab with the special ed class because they only had a few kids who needed to be in the lab.  One of the students sitting there was a student who is very near and dear to my heart.  Her name is Ali.  She is blind and is the sweetest little gal'.  She was typing on her typer writer contraption that actually print braille.  I asked her what she was typing up and she responded that she was typing a story about a poor family that gets into a car accident.  I was feeling her braille and it brought back memories of when I was a little girl and going with some people in our church to print a book of the Bible in braille.  I think it was John (the book).  I mentioned to her that I had done that and her reaction was neat.  She jumped out of her chair (which was amazing in and of itself because she just had hip surgery and she just got out of the wheelchair and into a walker) and said "OH, I want a Bible SOOO much, but they are very expensive and we can't afford it."  My heart dropped.  Here is a child that desires to know the Lord more intimately and can't because of her lack of vision.  I really take for granted the fact that I can just pick up my Bible and read God's love letter.  I felt so deeply something needed to be done.  When I got home I talked to Leo about it and we went on line to see how much they cost.  OVER $600!!!!  We couldn't believe it!  I was already planning some sort of fund raiser.  Maybe trying to buy one book at a time.  I did some research and I think I've found a place in California (Lutheran ironically enough... being that it was the the Lutheran church that I printed through) that their mission is to get Braille Bibles out to people for free.  I signed up for one and let them know about Ali.  I'm so excited!!!!!  Anyway... I wanted to post it (even though it risks my exposure as a teacher) because God is so GOOD!!!!  I'm hoping I can get it before Easter so she can get it by then.  If anybody would like to make donations to the place it can be found here:
What an awesome ministry!  Thank you Lord that your Love letter to us is so available.  Thank you for being my Valentine.  

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