Thursday, June 21, 2012


Leo's coworkers threw us a diaper shower. Rules were to bring diapers and the most creatively packaged received a prize. These are just a few examples. The cake was filled with all sorts of other things too like bottles and lotions. The crib actually has the diaper box as the base (under the doll) and the 3 wheeler was the winner as I'd never seen one like it before. We also had funny games. Leo had to perform daily tasks while taking care of baby tasks on Simeon (the girl doll) (This doll was named my Heidi- one of the Kershner kids.) It was all pretty humorous and Leo did a great job. My favorite was "playing peek a boo, while texting Gaye back, and answering the door" Our friends created all sorts of great treats including the Roo cake. My nickname growing up was Roo (from Kanga and Roo in Winnie the Pooh) and we've adopted Ruthie-Ru as a nickname for Ruth~Ann. So here it is... our little Kangaroo. I also thought it was funny because having children like a Kanga has always been so appealing. Just reach into that pocket and pull out a child. Liking that version a lot more than what we have to go through! Jeff also did a devotion that meant a lot to us. Overall it was a great time and we certainly felt loved and blessed by Leo's coworkers. MVCA truly has been family to us. It's been so neat to have so many people the Lord has placed in our lives to show is love.

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