Sunday, August 17, 2008


All states have a state bird, state plant, state flag, but I would like to dedicate a new attribute to the state of Oregon. The state SIGN. That sign would read "NO OVERNIGHT PARKING". Some have specific hours, others just picturesque signs with red slash marks through them. They can be posted anywhere.... nailed to trees, on fences, on poles, on trail head signs. Everywhere!

Can you sense the frustration? This definitely put a damper on the whole Vamping situation.

Our first night we searched high and low for ANY place that didn't have the sign. Nothing, Nada, Nope. If the road widened big enough to fit a vehicle there was a sign. So we headed south to a little place called Whalen Island, which was a little jut out where people come to do crabbing. We got to the campsite and spoke to the camp host, an older gentleman with an ample amount of chest hair poofing out from his unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. I have a strange phobia of such people. He tells us he has four spots open. I'm thinking...."we just want to sleep in our car". I now understand why transients sleep on the ground and not their cars.... because you have to pay to do it! So we find a spot- number 28. Leo goes to pay. I begin taking down head rests and reclining the seats. I see Leo off in the distance and give him the inquiring thumbs up sign assuming everything was fine with the spot. He yells back: "We have to move the car over four feet". With a furled brow I reply: "Why?" He says: "It's three bucks cheaper". Yes, that's right the difference of 12 dollars to sleep in our vehicle verses 15 dollars to sleep in our vehicle. The accommodation difference?.... absolutely nothing. See for yourself. I suppose we were paying for the color of metal post with the number attached!

Campsite 29 is on the OTHER side of the picnic table.

Ah, home sweet home.... Glad we saved three dollars on this site!

The view over the hippie bus at our camp site. Definitely a high class vacation!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is nothing free in this life or the next.