Saturday, June 7, 2008

New and IMPROVED!  Today we planned to take it easy, but..... our neighbor had purchased some sod for his backyard and we'd been talking about doing something with our shared area in between our houses (it used to be a pile of rocks.... literally, a big mound of rocks).  He had extra and you guessed it... we spent a good amount of our time loading rocks, dumping rocks, loading dirt, shoveling dirt, spreading dirt, pounding dirt, hauling rocks, unhauling rocks, laying sod..... and so forth.  Next we are going to build a fence connecting out two houses which will give us a safety corridor between houses.  It think it will look really good.  Now we need to get some of the dead grass up that was originally there and vwa-la, presto-chango.... a whole new area!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks so nice! Be sure and keep it really wet for a couple of weeks till the roots have a chance to raech down and take hold. Good Job!