Sunday, May 18, 2008

To Bob Jones, or not to Bob Jones? That is the question!

Well, here we are two weeks until Leo leave/doesn't leave to Bob Jones University to continue his Masters degree on campus in Greenville South Carolina.  We have been so confused and are asking for prayer from all our loved ones.  It seems that every day that goes by a new piece of information pops up that could alter our decision.  Currently we have the tickets and residence all set up, but whether or not this will happen.... we'll see where the Lord takes us.  There have been some big changes with us in the past two weeks... and soon, very soon, we'll be letting those of you out there know who don't already.  (Disclosure:  NO we are not pregnant!)  If you could just keep us in prayer as we've had a LOT on our plate lately.  It is reassuring that God is in control and can keep all these balls we are juggling up in the air.  On our own we'd .... have knocked ourselves out a while ago!  God is good all the time! 

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