Saturday, March 8, 2008

This picture was taken just before the craziness began.  The Phoenix Suns came out and there was hardly an introduction at all, then the Trail Blazers came out and the crowd was absolutely wild.  We'd been to the Denver Nuggets vs. San Antonio Spurs in Colorado when we went for Spring break in college and the crowd wasn't half as enthusiastic.  People were screaming at the tops of their lungs and your heart just rumbled in your chest.  The lights flashed all over and this oval-ticker flashed advertisements and things to shout.  Two sides of the crowd had those blow up fun noodle things and the sound from those was really eerie.  It was a fun yet definitely different experience over all!  Makes me wonder what coming into the presence of the Lord will be like.

Speaking of which.  This night was a jumble of emotions because earlier in the day we found out one of our church family had gone into the hospital with phneumonia.  By noon she had 56%  chance of living, by the time I left school it was 5%.  In the middle of the game I felt the terrible need to pray deeply for Annie (in her 30's, two children).  It was 8:20 or so.  It was a weird feeling to be in a crowd like that praying for such things.  When we returned home our e-mails said that Annie had gone to be with the Lord.  The e-mail was sent at 10:30.  She had just been in the week before Friday and the doctor's said it was the flu.  Her funeral is today (Sunday).  It's rattled our church and definitely Leo and I.  We need to cherish each other more, find the time for each other, take care of ourselves better, and follow the Lords prodding.... you never know when there will be another opportunity!  If when you are reading this, you could put up a prayer for Annie's family, that would be wonderful.  Life will be difficult  for quite a while for them.  I guess Annie's daughter (13) is pretty angry-- understandably so. Annie home schooled, hopefully Mid-Valley will be able to assist in some way.  But, God is good all the time.....even in  the hardest and most difficult moments.  So.... let God be glorified, in whatever way it can be done.

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