Saturday, March 8, 2008

Go Mid-Valley Color Guard!

Our Mid-Valley girls had the pre-game show.  They were SO nervous but did great!  Even with camera men stepping into their routine, oh, and the little boy who wondered out into the center of the arena and took one of their flags and was trying to perform with them.  One of the girls almost beaned him with her flag just before the mother realized her darling had wondered off and came and snatched him of the court.  I tried to get a shot of the kiddo, but no such luck with the camera.  This picture is just before they started their routine.  They have six or so different flags they use.  At the end of the show they were asked to perform again for the team.  The girls were pretty jazzed.... and they even got to meet Shaq.  Hopefully next time they will be able to perform for half time (being that the half time show this game was terrible) and have more of an audience.  People were still piling in when they performed.  *If you want to see them a little more up close click on the picture and it will give you a blown up version.*

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