Sunday, February 10, 2008

We have two pups that are kinda' like our children.  Their names are Koda and Logan.  They are brothers from the same parents but different litters so they are six months apart.  Koda is the oldest and is very hyper.  Logan is chubby and cuddley.  My brother in law says that Koda is like Leo and Logan is like me.  I'm not sure what that is all about.  He later tried to defend himself and say that Logan waddled like me..... I don't think that helped the situation.  They (the dogs) are Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers.  They both are full of energy and always ready to love on you.  Wheaton's are known for their "Wheaton Greetin'" which is a big lick... or multiple licks, and if possible, they like to give you them on the face.  We're not in favor of face licks, but don't mind the greeting on our hands.  I'll take a lick any day over a sniff down.  Anybody who comes to visit will need to expect the lovin' from our little guys.  (Sorry big Leonard.)   After the first few minutes they calm down and love to be pet.  

1 comment:

Alex Hackett said...

Oh boy I didn't think you'd bring that up again! I like that some of the pictures they are just soaked and muddy. They're so much fun. I just feel bad for the garden gnome.