Sunday, February 10, 2008

If Leo did do Civil War Re-enactment Leo would choose the infantry for the 16th Michigan because they were part of the defense of Little Round Top at the battle of Gettysbergh.  At first I thought he was saying Michigan because he's a big Michigan fan... but I just asked him why and he is now going on about the battle and it's great come back.  I had to laugh.  This year we went to watch and I was sitting next to these two little kids who were in period dress.  Both of their fathers were in the battle on opposite sides.  The two kids were cousins as well.  One little boy (about four) yells out "Go North" and the little girl said, "no your dad is on the South" and the little boy responded, "Yah, but we all know the North wins anyway!"  It's a neat experience and children get a real in depth knowledge of a part of our history.  It's also good to see people out doing something rather than sitting in from of a television flicking!

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